Thursday, March 10, 2011

eating through it

Recently I have been crocheting more food. I plan to crochet more and knit some too. I also want to create some of my own.

I Love Tomatoes...

Milk and Cookies anyone?
I want to make more and different kinds so there is lots of cookies to share! 

How about some breakfast?
There's also a pattern for bacon I want to make.
I plan to create some sausages too because I looove sausages!

Or something for lunch?
I love this burger pattern it's from Amigrumi: Super Happy Crochet Cute. I am currently making one for a little boy's 4th birthday but I ran out of some of the bun yarn so I will need to add a little to my stash again. I don't want the bun to look moldy or something from using the wrong colour!

And lastly some dessert!

Next to fudgesicles ice cream sandwiches are one of my favorite summer desserts. I should make some fudgesicles! I also have been dreaming about creating some ice cream cones with interchangeable scoops of ice cream (like the Melissa and Doug ice cream set my daughters have).


  1. Nickela,
    You are inspiring!! I love what you have done already, look forward to seeing more creations!!

  2. We definately appreciated the non-mouldy bun! I've already been served the hamburger many times :)
